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ITC Editors endorse the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors https://publicationethics.org/files/Code of Conduct_2.pdf published by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics). ITC journal has also produced its own Ethical Guidelines for Authors.

Ethical Guidelines for Authors

ITC Editorsadhere to the principles outlined by COPE – Committee on Publication Ethics (https://publicationethics.org). Authors who are concerned about the editorial process may refer to COPE.
Manuscripts may be rejected by the editorial office if it is felt that the work was not carried out within an ethical framework.

All authors must declare they have read and agreed to the content of the submitted manuscript.

Competing interests
Authors must declare all potential competing interests involving people or organisations that might reasonably be perceived as relevant. Examples of competing interests include but are not limited to financial, professional and personal interest such as:

    1. Research grants (from any source)
    2. Relationships (paid or unpaid) with organisations and funding bodies including nongovernmental organisations, research institutions or charities
    3. Membership of lobbying or advocacy organisations
    4. Personal relationships (i.e., friend, spouse, family member, current or previous mentor, adversary) with individuals involved in the submission or evaluation of an article, such as authors, reviewers, editors, or members of the Editorial board of ITC journal
    5. Personal convictions (political, religious, ideological, or other) related to an article's topic that may interfere with an unbiased publication process (at the stage of authorship, peer review, editorial decision making or publication)

Plagiarism in any form constitutes a serious violation of the most basic principles of scholarship and cannot be tolerated. Examples of plagiarism include:

    1. Word-for-word copying portions of another's writing without enclosing the copied passage in quotation marks and acknowledging the source in the appropriate scholarly convention.
    2. use of a particular idea or concept one has come across in reading without acknowledging the author or source.
    3. paraphrasing or abbreviated restatement someone else's ideas without acknowledging that another person's text has been the basis for the paraphrasing.
    4. False citation: material should not be attributed to a source from which it has not been obtained.
    5. False data: fabrication and falsification of data do constitute misconduct.
    6. Self-plagiarism/double submission: the submission of the same or a very similar article to two or more publications at the same time.