"Äæîí Àòàíàñîâ"

1000 Ñîôèÿ, óë. “Ðàêîâñêè” 108, òåë. 029876169, sai.bg.office@gmail.com, www.sai.bg

Äæîí Àòàíàñîâ

The SAI Journal "Information Technologies and Control" publishes high-quality papers on the theory, design and application of Control Systems and Information Systems, and their components. Original papers that has not been published or accepted for publication by other journals will only be considered. Full versions of papers which have been included in proceedings of conferences and symposia could also be submitted.

Submitted manuscripts must be typewritten in English. They should not exceed 20 double-spaced taped A4 pages including figures in at least 12-point format.

MS Word and PDF files are the preferred format. Papers (MS Word and PDF files) may be submitted for publication by sending an electronic mail to the editor at sai.bg.office@gmail.com. For PDF files the authors should provide all the fonts needed to print the paper.

Style for the Paper. The first page must include the title, name(s), affiliation(s), mailing address(es), telephone number(s) e-mail adresses(es) and facsimile number(s) of author(s); an abstract not exceeding 150 words; Keywords immediately following abstract, and not exceeding five; preferred address for correspondence, footnotes with acknowledgment for support (if desired).

The introduction should describe the purpose and the contribution of the paper. A conclusion section should summarize tha main results, advantages, limitations and possible applications.

A descriptive, intuitive explanation is preferred to extended formal development (theorems, lemmas, etc) when technology components and applications are presented. Detailed mathematical derivations should be put in appendixes.

References should appear as a separate bibliography at the end of the paper, numbered in square brackets, e.g., [10]. (See examples of form of appearence of references to papers in perioricals, to proceedings and to books in this issue). References to works published in languages other than English should be translated into English with the original languages given in brackets after the translated text, e.g. (in Russian).

Illustrations. Electronic version in EPS (Encapsulated Postscript) is preferred. Photos must be glossy prints, of good contrast ans reasonable size (no larger then 22x28 cm). Hardcopy of illustrations should be sharp and of good contrast.

Accepting a manuscript. Authors of accepted manuscripts are required to provide the final electronic version of the paper in MS Word format together with Encapsulated PostScript files for figures, along with biographies (not exceeding 100 words) and photographs of all authors. The electronic version can be submitted by e-mailing it to: sai.bg.office@gmail.com. The e-mail message should include the corresponding author's name and the type of file.

Proofreading. Page proofs for papers will be send to the corresponding authors for proofreading, usually by e-mail. The author should send the revised paper back within 14 deys.

Charges After a manuscript has been accepted for publication the author(s) will be approached with a request to pay a charge of 70 euros per paper to cover partially the cost of publication. The payment of this charge is a necessary prerequisite for publication.

Contacs. In case of any questions about the described procedures, please send e-mail to: sai.bg.office@gmail.com
Phone ++3592 987 6169